
Visual training programs for sports: taking advantage of new technologies

Quevedo Lluisa i Junyent

Sports coaches, athletes and scientists are constantly in search of new means to enhance sports performance and gain a competitive advantage. Visual-cognitive skills are crucial performance determinants in most sports, where fast and accurate decisions are required in a complex and rapidly changing environment. The issue of enhancing the visual and visual-motor skills in athletes to boost athletic results has led to several investigations (Clark, Ellis, Bench, Khoury, et al. 2012; Kofsky & Starfield, 1989; McLeod 1991; Quevedo & Solé, 1995; Wimshurst, Sowden & Cardinale, 2012) with different results and conclusions to take into account. Sports vision training programs have a relatively long history of use (Berman 1988; Fullerton 1921; Knudson & Kluka 1997; Schwab & Memmert 2012). However, the past few years with the amazing growth in new digital technologies, we seem to be in front of a new paradigm (Applebaum & Erickson, 2016).

Brain VT Sports Vision, a new online training program based on an artificial intelligenceplatform has been developed as an internet-based, self-administered visual intervention. Size, shape, color and number and timing of stimulus presentation and response are all customized to the patient’s needs. There are a lot of levels according to task difficulty, making ceiling and floor effects unlikely.

Finally we will expose how we employ this technology in our daily clinical practice at the Olympic Training Center in Sant Cugat (Barcelona).


-Abernethy B & Wood J (2001) Do generalized visual training programmes for sport really work? An experimental investigation, Journal of Sports Sciences, 19:3, 203-222.

-Appelbaum LG & Erickson G (2016): Sports vision training: A review of the state-of-the-art in digital training techniques, International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, http://www.tandfonline.com/action/showCitFormats?doi=10.1080/1750984X.2016.1266376

-Berman, A M (1988). Skill development techniques: Identifying and developing sports visionskills. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 10(5), 59-60.

-Clark JF, Ellis JK, Bench J, Khoury J, et al. (2012) High-performance vision training improves batting statistics for university of Cincinnati baseball players. Plos One. http://bit.ly/2jguYlW

-Fullerton, HS (1921). Why Babe Ruth is greatest home-run hitter. Popular Science Monthly, 99(4), 19-21.

-Knudson, D & Kluka DA (1997). The impact of vision and vision training on sport performance. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 68, 17-24.

-Kofsky M & Starfield B (1989) Sports vision visual training and experimental program with Australian institute of sport basketball players. Australian J Optom, 6:15-7.

-McLeod B (1991) Effects of eyerobics visual skills training on selected performance measures of female varsity soccer players. Percept Motor Skills. 72:863-6.

-Quevedo LL & Solé J (1995) Visual training programme applied to precision shooting. Ophthal. Physiol. Opt. 15, 5:519-523.

-Schwab S, Memmert D (2012) The impact of a sports vision training program in youth field hockey players. Journal of Sports Sciences and Medicine, 11 (4): 624–631.

-Wimshurst ZL, Sowden PT & Cardinale M. (2012) Visual skills and playing positions of Olympic field hockey players. Percept Motor Skills, 114:204-16.

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