
A seguito delle recenti disposizioni politiche attuate in Italia ed in Europa, abbiamo ricevuto indicazioni riguardanti il Congresso EAOO e l'Assemblea Generale ECOO in programma per maggio 2020.

Gli eventi non si terranno come programmato per quel mese a Helsinki e gli organizzatori stanno valutando se posticiparli o renderli fruibili via internet; vi terremo aggiornati sulla decisione che verrà presa.

Anche per la nostra professione è tempo di dimostrare responsabilità e sacrificio nell'attesa di poter tornare presto a collaborare e confrontarci, sicuramente più uniti di prima.

Alleghiamo a seguire la comunicazione ufficiale.

Dear members of the Academy,

Thank you for your patience while we work through the different implications of guidance from Finnish authorities about public gatherings happening until the end of May 2020.

The HELSINKI2020 conference (15–17 May) and ECOO Spring General Assembly (14–16 May) will not be held in Helsinki as planned.
We are currently in discussions with the venue and other partners to find ways to organise the event at a later date / online. We kindly ask you to bear with us a few more days.

In the meantime, if you have made accommodation arrangements, please check the hotel cancellation policy and take action in order to avoid further charges. Bookings in the partner hotels can be cancelled free of charge until the day before expected arrival.

With regards to transport arrangements, we will communicate a new date for the event as soon as possible.

Registered participants will be informed about refunds separately.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Best regards,

To EAOO members who are also part of the HELSINKI2020 programme as speakers and poster presenters – please excuse the duplication of the message.

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